Roskilde Festival First Names Revealed

Scottish funny rockers Franz Ferdinand, the mighty Tool and the everpopular producer turned artist; Kanye West.
Safe shoots - but on the good side if you ask me.
What do you say?
posted by Emil Spangenberg at 17:21
Very predictable... As always the first announcement suck balls.
Everybody knows that Kanye West will cancel two days before (like every hip-hop act has done in the history of the Roskilde-festival)
But... I am very excited to what other bands will be annouced over next months
I like especially the choice of "Tool" playing Roskilde. I saw them in 2001 in Berlin and the whole concert was an experience. Very good choice though the have to minimize their stage show effect because it is a festival gig. I hope they play in the night...
Hmmm... I few wrongs to be corrected. Roskildes hiphop track reversed last when Snoop showed up for a brilliant show. And Tool played one of the best ever at Roskilde and had a huge setup and a awesome thursday night.
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