To: Elliott / From: Portland

I know it's a cliche - but I've been so busy at work the last couple of days that I haven't had time to make a proper post. Well today is no exception ... but since I named my first born son "Elliott" after Elliott Smith I feel obligated to tell you that the Tribute: "To: Elliott / From: Portland" is fucking great...
Listen to these three tunes:
The Decemberists - Clementine (mp3)
Amelia - Between the Bars (MP3)
We Are Telephone - Division Day (MP3)
Read these reviews:
Silent Uproar
Stream the whole album at AOL
Buy the album at insound
Kudos to you for your impeccable musical taste. I'm excited I stumbled on this (with the NEXT BLOG button).
I'm a devout Decemberists fan.
Thanks for your graciousness in sharing.
I hate to say it, but after hearing a bunch of tracks from this, it feels pretty empty. Most of it, at least. Portland's current trends of electronifying everything translate many heartfelt, quiet tunes into unfeeling and unfortunate renditions.
If it shows one thing to me, a Portland, it's how different this town has become. At least through the eyes of whoever released this album.
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