Dear kind people of the Danish Kingdom and everyone
outside the Reich.
It is with sadness in my heart that I (Camilla)
haveto tell you about my exit of epo-555.
This is due to the happy circumstances that Mikkel Max and
I are in, which we are looking very much forward to.
But it has alsoled to serious considerations of how
it's possible to unite a future child with the fact that
being in epo also means late nights, smoke,
noise and many hours on the road or in the air.
My life in epo has for the past few years been combined
with a life at university and even though I couldn't be
without either it has been difficult for me to be there
full-hearted both places. With a little child it is
going to be ten times harder and we have therefore
decided within the band to say a definite goodbye
instead of expecting my return sometime in the future.
So my dearest epo-addicts I will miss the smoke,
the noise, the late hours around the world and not least
you who turned it into what it was for me. Thank you so
much for that time; I hope you appreciate
my decision and will still follow epo in its
fight for world dominion.